Traumatic brain injuries could occur as a result of many types of accidents. Everything from a car crash to a slip-and-fall mishap might lead to trauma. Physical assaults may also lead to brain injuries. When negligence is a factor, the responsible party could be facing a lawsuit in a Louisiana courtroom. Several questions may arise in court, including the extent of the injuries.
The severity of a traumatic brain injury
The injury severity score (ISS) ranks an injury based on a scale of one to six. The rankings are as follows: minor, moderate, serious, severe, critical, and unsurvivable. With a traumatic brain injury, the score refers to the tissue damage suffered. Medical professionals may gauge the assessment on several factors following an examination.
A doctor could perform a physical examination and suggest a patient undergo a CAT scan. Appropriate treatment could then follow based on the injury’s severity.
A similar incident may lead to different injuries. For example, a person punched in the face could go unconscious and hit the ground. That person may end up diagnosed with a minor headache and no other harm. Another person could suffer a fractured skull on impact and go into a coma or die.
The costs inflicted after a traumatic brain injury
Medical expenses associated with brain surgery, time spent in the hospital, and rehabilitation could be enormous. Health insurance might not cover everything, and co-pays on hospital stays might be far beyond what someone could afford Without taking legal action. Expenses could prove far greater reaching than anticipated. Someone recovering from a traumatic brain injury might require therapy for relearning how to walk and even talk. A dwelling may require extensive retrofitting to cover safety concerns.
Trauma-induced brain injuries could result in varying degrees of severity. A personal injury attorney could be of assistance when a victim of the negligence or recklessness of another party is seeking compensation.