There is a heavy emphasis among both lawmakers and safety experts on urging motorcyclists to wear helmets in order to protect their heads and necks. This is very good advice, as helmets do indeed prevent many fatalities and catastrophic injuries caused as a result of motorcycle accidents.
However, the head is not the only body part that can get injured should a motorcyclist collide with a larger vehicle. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control, most injuries related to motorcycle accidents that did not involve a fatality, 30%, were actually injuries to the victim’s feet or legs.
To draw a comparison, the next most common type of injury, making up 22% of all injuries, were to the head and neck. Rounding out the most common types of injuries were injuries to the shoulder, chest and back, followed by injuries to the arms and then injuries to the hips and abdomen.
These statistics only reinforce the point that while helmets are important safety devices, they do not prevent all injuries motorcyclists might suffer. Indeed, the best way for drivers on Louisiana’s roads to protect motorcyclists is to be attentive and to pay special attention to motorcyclists when they are in the area.
After all, while a motorcyclist may think herself lucky to escape a serious crash with only a leg injury, trauma to the legs and feet can still alter a person’s life. In the worst case, it could mean not being able to walk normally ever again.
In any event, though, any broken bone or other serious injury to the leg could spell large medical bills and considerable time away from work and the activities one loves. A victim may need to recover compensation from the responsible driver under these circumstances, which is why such an individual should carefully consider whether taking legal action is in his or her best interests.