A car accident can be the result of any drive or ride you take in a vehicle. But instead of viewing the open road as a battlefield, you can seek new ways to build up your arsenal of safe driving skills that may minimize the effects of a crash. You can try these three...
Your Advocate In Serious Injury Claims
Month: August 2020
The dangers of electrical burns
Electrical burns have many unique factors that distinguish them from other types of burns people in Louisiana may suffer, such as thermal and chemical burns. According to StatPearls, the injuries occur when a person's body comes into contact with a source of...
Wrongful death lawsuit filed following tow truck driver’s death
Oftentimes, many people in Houma assume that accidents that result in fatalities are fairly cut-and-dry: one person's negligence (whether intentional or not) results in the death of the another. Yet in many cases, things are rarely that simple. It often takes the...
What is a survival action for a wrongful death car accident?
Both drivers and passengers face untold danger on highways, busy city streets and even on the roads of their own neighborhoods. Car accidents often result in death, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that over 40,000 people lost their lives in...
The importance of hiring a personal injury attorney
Most people are reluctant to seek legal assistance following an accident. The thought of hiring an attorney may seem distasteful. You may worry about other people’s perceptions of you. However, seeking legal counsel after an accident can help protect you and ensure...
Reviewing hours-of-service regulations for truck drivers
No one needs to tell you about the devastation one can suffer in a truck accident. After suffering through such an incident yourself in Houma, you likely only need to know one thing: how could such an accident have happened? Like many of those that come to see us here...