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How trucking companies contribute to accidents

The driver may be the first party to blame in a truck accident. However, depending on the circumstances of the accident, their employer may be liable. Some trucking companies make mistakes that cause crashes.

Below are four common mistakes by trucking companies that lead to accidents:

1. Poor hiring practices

Trucking companies should hire qualified and reliable drivers. Poor hiring practices, such as not conducting background checks and hiring less experienced drivers to meet demand, result in negligent truck drivers. 

2. Poor training practices

In addition to being qualified to operate commercial vehicles, a truck driver should be trained in responding to harsh situations, noticing strange elements (smells, noises or vibrations) and handling minor mechanical issues. Trucking companies should train drivers a few times a year on complex matters and frequently on safety.

3. Unrealistic work expectations

Truck drivers need adequate rest between shifts. A trucking company with unrealistic schedules can increase the chances of a driver causing an accident. 

For instance, if a company asks a driver to deliver an unrealistic amount of goods, they may commit traffic violations to complete several trips before their shift ends.

4. Poor vehicle maintenance

Some truck accidents are caused by mechanical failure, including faulty brakes, blown-out tires, defective lights and transmission failure. 

A trucking company should perform regular inspections to ensure their trucks are suitable for driving. If a company leases vehicles, the owner may be responsible for maintenance. A driver should also inspect the truck before and after a trip. If they fail to do this or report an issue they notice, they may be liable for an accident caused by a mechanical issue. 

If you are injured in an accident with a semi or another commercial vehicle, legal guidance can help you hold the right party liable.