Seeking medical attention after a car accident is not only good for your health and well-being, but it is also pivotal to your claim. It can determine the compensation you may be entitled to for the harm and losses suffered in the crash.
First, medical evidence establishes a clear link between the accident and resulting injuries. Substantiating the cause-and-effect relationship between the crash and its aftermath is crucial to your claim. It will also be easier to discern between new injuries and any pre-existing conditions.
Proving your damages
Medical evidence also plays a key role when proving the damages you suffered. For instance, while you can avail pay stubs to claim lost wages, how can you prove the extent of other damages like pain and suffering or emotional distress? It underscores the importance of presenting medical documentation in quantifying and validating non-economic damages.
There is also the element of credibility of medical evidence, stemming from its professional foundation. A doctor’s report is not just a mere opinion. Healthcare professionals, equipped with specialized knowledge and training, provide unbiased evaluations. Their expertise and impartiality bolster the reliability of the evidence presented, ensuring an objective assessment of your injuries.
The risks of insufficient medical evidence
Insufficient or incomplete medical evidence can significantly undermine the strength of your claim. Delayed medical attention, incomplete records or gaps in documentation can cast doubt on the authenticity or severity of injuries. This can potentially jeopardize the chances of receiving fair compensation for the hardships endured due to the car accident.
Seeking legal guidance can help guide you through the intricate process, ensuring that crucial medical documentation is obtained and presented effectively. It can significantly increase the odds of a favorable settlement.