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Should you always stick to the speed limit?

Every stretch of road has a specific speed limit. Yet, there is a misunderstanding among some drivers that just because the limit on a particular stretch of road is a specific number means you should always drive at that speed on it or that it is always acceptable to do so.

Speed limits are the maximum speed allowed, and sometimes you need to go slower. That may be a little slower or a whole lot slower, depending on the circumstances.

You must adjust your speed for the conditions

Sometimes, driving at the speed limit would be dangerous. Examples can include when there are a lot of pedestrians about. For example, if hundreds of people are walking along the road to enter the local sports stadium, it would be inappropriate to try and drive anywhere near the limit.

Even if the pedestrians were not actually on the road, going slower will reduce the chance of an accident if one steps into the road without looking.

Another example is when snow on the ground reduces traction. Or if a broken water pipe has led to a large pool of water in your lane and going through it at the speed limit would cause you to send a curtain of spray across the path of those coming the other way.

If you consider a driver who injures you was traveling too fast, they might counter that they were within the official speed limit. Getting help to show why they should have been going slower due to the conditions could help you get the compensation you need.