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There are several different types of comas

Head injuries are among the most severe type of injuries someone can suffer during a car accident. Brain trauma has the potential to be life-changing and even fatal in some cases.

One common term associated with head injuries is comas. Comas are often thought of as a general term, but the truth is that there are several different types of comas. Outlined below are the most common forms of coma associated with road traffic collisions.

Induced comas

Sometimes, a coma is the best form of treatment. It allows the brain to recover while medical staff closely monitor the situation of the patient. Comas can be induced by administering controlled amounts of anesthetic for a set period of time. Typically, doctors are able to control when the patient loses consciousness and regains it.

Toxic-metabolic encephalopathy

Comas are not always a direct result of head trauma. In some cases, a coma can be the result of damage to the organs which causes them to fail. This is known as toxic-metabolic encephalopathy. It often causes the patient to feel very confused. Thankfully, this type of coma is very treatable.

Anoxic brain injury

The brain requires oxygen to function properly. During a car crash, a victim may suffer injuries to the heart and respiratory system that result in the brain being deprived of oxygen. This causes brain cells to die and a loss of consciousness. The sooner the victim receives medical attention, the better the prognosis is for this type of injury.

Suffering a head injury and slipping into a coma after a car accident can be devastating, particularly if the crash was the result of someone else’s negligence. Seeking legal guidance can provide a route to financial compensation for victims of others’ ill-conceived actions or inaction.