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Why medical care after a brain injury is so expensive

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can be life-altering for injury survivors and their closest family members. Brain injuries manifest differently in every case, but they can cause changes in how someone behaves, what work they can do and even how they perceive the world. TBIs can cause a host of practical challenges, including financial stress.

One of the reasons that brain injuries can change lives is how expensive they can be. Despite the fact that there is no way to fully repair the damage caused by a TBI, people often have tens of thousands of dollars or more in lifetime medical costs after a brain injury.

Whether someone fell due to poor property maintenance at a business or hurt their brain in a car crash, they may have major medical expenses to address after incurring a TBI. Why is the medical care for brain injuries so costly?

People often require immediate trauma care

Someone with a moderate to severe brain injury may require emergency treatment. The trauma care necessary after developing a brain injury may include emergency surgery and a stay in an intensive support ward in a hospital.

People often have to spend days in the hospital recovering after their initial injury and very likely require therapeutic support even after medical professionals stabilize their condition. Those with TBIs often spend months recovering from the initial injury and even longer learning to live with their symptoms. Brain injuries often necessitate rehabilitative therapies, including occupational therapy. People may need to relearn crucial functions and develop skills that help them overcome the functional limitations of their injuries.

Routine medical evaluations and special care may be necessary sporadically throughout the rest of someone’s life after a brain injury. Researchers estimate that the care costs alone can range from $85,000 to more than $3 million. Those estimated lifetime costs do not include the need for personal accommodations or the impact the symptoms of a TBI could have on someone’s earning potential.

Moving on from a brain injury and having the best life possible often necessitates first securing adequate compensation to cover treatment expenses. Having an idea of what a brain injury can cost may help people handle insurance matters and decide if a personal injury lawsuit is necessary against those who are responsible for causing their harm.